Tuesday 8 May 2012

Autumn in Hunza

Autumn in Hunza.

 Hunza is known to be the most enchanting valley in the world. It is sometime referred to as the “Shangri – La of the Lost Horizon”.

 The beautiful valley with neat, sleepy villages, whispering streams, colorful orchards and vast glacier are surrounded on all sides by some of the greatest mountains in the world. The ancient villages of Hunza valley known as Altit & Baltit or Karimabad are situated on the slope of the magnificent 7400 m high Ultar Peak.

 Autumn in Northern Areas of Pakistan is something to be hold. This is the time of year when the trees of poplar, apricot, mulberry, peach, apple and plum burst forth into a riot of color with hues of orange, rust and red.

 There is saying in Persian, “if there is heaven on the earth it is only here, only here and only here”.

Taobut, Neelam Valley

Taobut, Neelam Valley.

 Excellent scenic beauty, towering hills on both sides of the noisy Neelum river, lush green forests, enchanting streams, high altitude lakes and attractive surroundings make the valley a dream come true.

 The last station of Neelum Valley is Taobut and end point of Pakistani beauty in Kashmir. The swaying lush green forests, snow capped mountains, streams singing songs of joy, and fast flowing river Neelum, all go together to make it naturalist’s wonderland.

Wednesday 2 May 2012


Shangla, KPK Province.

 It is a historical place in South Asia: home to several Buddhist hermits, as well as a small but thriving Hindu community in the Chakesar region.

 It is said that the region known as Ghorband in the north west of Shangla was visited by Alexander the Great's Army in 326 B.C. where it fought a battle with the locals at the mount Pir Sar. Later on in the 15th century Shangla witnessed a population shift from neighbouring Afghanistan [Pakhtun tribe Yousafzais] with locals migrating into Hazara.

Hamning Birds

world Smallest Bird

Tuesday 1 May 2012

The Beauty of Phander Valley, Gilgit.

The Beauty of Phander Valley, Gilgit.

 One of the most beautiful valley of the world. Gilgit is flourishing wonderfully since the Karakoram Highway (KKH) was constructed back in 1978, connecting Gilgit with the rest of Pakistan and China.

 Picture Credit: Unknown.

The City of Natural Caves - Cave City near Bela, Balochistan.

The City of Natural Caves - Cave City near Bela, Balochistan.

Ramkot Fort, Mirpur

Ramkot Fort, Mirpur.

 Picturesquely located on the summit of a hill, Ramkot Fort is built over the site of and old Hindu Shiva Temple. 3 sides of this hill top are surrounded by River Jhelum [ancient “Vitasta”].

 Excavations relics of the 5th and 9th century AD have been discovered near one of the temples. In the 16th 17th century AD “the Muslim rulers of Kashmir while safe guarding their boundaries built numerous forts. Ramkot, sitting atop at the confluence of the river Jhelum & Poonch is one of them. The Sikh Maharaja of Kashmir further fortified Ramkot. Ramkot Fort is located on the opposite side of the Mirpur Town and one has to cross Mangla Lake on boat to reach there.

 A 10 minutes travel by road from Mirpur leads to Sukhian and nearby Arm water Sports Club from where boats are available for access to Ramkot Fort. It takes 45 minutes to reach there.



 Unique place in Balochistan where traces of ancient cave civilizations exist!

 It is popular with the name of Shehr-e-Roghan. This place is indeed a real archaeological treasure which is unfortunately hidden from the world. There is no exact information that who constructed these mysterious cave dwellings but one thing is for sure that this place is extremely fabulous.

 Some historians relate Shehr-e-Roghan with the Buddists of 7th century AD. Shehr-e-Roghan of Gondrani is located at 18 KM north west of Bela which was previously known as Lasbela.

 Now what is so unique about Shehr-e-Roghan of Bela ? This marvelous ancient cave city is spread over an area of 2-3 KM. Thousands of these cave houses are multi storey and are inter connected with each other through walkways. Almost every cave house consists of a single room and some of them have a veranda in front of them. Many myths are attributed to this mysterious place.

Some locals believe Shehr-e-Roghan to be the city of jins. Some people also link this place with the thousands years old legend of Saiful Malook and Badiul Jamal.

Khewra Salt Mine, Pakistan

Khewra Salt Mine, Pakistan.

 Geologist believe that the rock salt in Khewra is from the Precambrian period i.e. around 600 million years old. These mines contain an estimated 220 million tonnes of salt. The area containing the salt is about 110 sq km.

 Since 1870, miners have created 19 floors with tunneling with the total length of the tunnels more than 40 kilometers.

 After the long walk or a ride by train, you would be delighted to see several natural and man-made marvels.

 - A mosque built from salt
 - Minar-e-Pakistan: Pakistan tower built from salt
 - Shish Mahal: Palace of Mirrors, in this case salt instead of mirrors
 - Assembly Hall
 - Brine Chambers
 - Salt ponds illuminated with fancy lights
 - A tree root that does not catch fire
 - Pul-Saraat: 25 feet bridge without pillars. Its is suspended on salt-water

- Pakistan Post Office, Khewra Salt Mine. Postal Code 48530, built from salt
 - Salt crystal formations
 - Old mining machinery
 and so much more ...

 Salt is transparent, white, pink, and reddish. The tourist resort displays clever use of salt and light to produce breathtaking scenery.

 You can buy refreshments, dine, and buy souvenirs inside and outside the mine. Tourist guides are also readily available.

Drawar Fort Pakistan

An outstanding aerial view of Drawar Fort, Pakistan.

 Pakistan is home to many dynasties, kingdoms and civilizations, which once thrived in every nook and corner of its landscape. Moving up from the Indus valley ruins, one should not forget to visit Rahim Yar Khan and then the nearby Cholistan desert, where remains of a huge Drawar Fort still attract visitors from all over the world.

Camel in Desert

Saturday 7 April 2012



Education in society

Education is very important for an individual's success in life. Education provides pupils teaching skills that prepare them physically, mentally and socially for the world of work in later life. Education is generally seen as the foundation of society which brings economic wealth, social prosperity and political stability. Higher education helps in maintaining a healthy society which prepares health care professionals, educated health care consumers and maintaining healthy population. Education is major aspect of development of any modern society since if there is a deficit of educated people then society will stops its further progress. Government should pay serious attention to education and support it economically and morally all over the country.

 Education is the best investment for the people because well educated people have more opportunities to get a job which gives them satisfaction. Educated individuals enjoy respect among their colleagues and they can effectively contribute to the development of their country and society by inventing new devices and discoveries. Today's ever growing numbers of people mostly are not satisfied with their basic education and try to get secondary or tertiary education in order to meet the demands of contemporary society. Some of them enter higher educational institutions and some search additional information on the internet. Good People sacrifices their time and money and sometimes even their health to raise educational level because they realize that education is their passport to the future and for tomorrow.

 Main purpose of education is to educate individuals within society, to prepare and qualify them for work in economy as well as to integrate people into society and teach them values and morals of society. Role of education is means of socializing individuals and to keep society smoothing and remain stable. Education in society prepares youngsters for adulthood so that they may form the next generation of leaders. It will yield strong families and strong communities. Indeed, parents taking an active role in their child education produce a willingness in children to learn. Education and society provides a forum where teachers and scholars all over the world are able to evaluate problems in education and society from a balanced and comparative social and economic perspective.

 Education is an important aspect of the work of society and it will raise the countryside issues and promote knowledge and understanding of rural communities. One of the education essential tasks is to enable people to understand themselves. Students must be equipped with knowledge and skills which are needed to participate effectively as member of society and contribute towards the development of shared values and common identity. Education has a vital role to play in assisting students to understand their cultural identity. Education acts as the distribution mechanism of the cultural values such as it more layered the society and participate in society that carries the culture.

 Education and society provides a forum where teachers and scholars all over the world are able to evaluate problems in education and society from a balanced and comparative social and economic perspective. Education is an important aspect of the work of society and it will raise the countryside issues and promote knowledge and understanding of rural communities. One of the education essential tasks is to enable people to understand themselves. Students must be equipped with knowledge and skills which are needed to participate effectively as member of society and contribute towards the development of shared values and common identity.

 Education has a vital role to play in assisting students to understand their cultural identity. Education acts as the distribution mechanism of the cultural values such as it more layered the society and participate in society that carries the culture. In our culture today, there is a great emphasis on higher education. In a society, more educated you are, better off you are. Every society has specialized individuals that require extended education to fulfill certain main positions. These persons are normally known as professors, priests, doctors, mechanics or artists. Education has been a higher part of every culture on earth and education is a systemic project. Whole society should care for and support the education patriotism, cause and socialism among the young people.

 Everyone must do work hard to cultivate moral conduct.Education mainly begins at home; one does not acquire knowledge from a teacher, one can learn and get knowledge from a parent or a family member. In almost all societies, receiving education and attending school is very necessary is one wants to achieve success. Education is the key to move in the world, seek better jobs and ultimately succeed in life. Schools play a vital role in preparing our children and young people for effective participation and responsible citizenship in society. The development of education and educational opportunities is built on creativity tempered by knowledge and wisdom gain through the experience of learning.

 Investment in human capital, life long learning and quality education help in the development of society. Teachers are the most important factors for an innovative society because teachers' knowledge and skills not only enhance the quality and efficiency of education, but also improve the prerequisites of research and innovation. Many members of our society are not provided with a safe and secure environment in which children can develop, child abuse, violence against women and interpersonal violence cause a cancer on our society. Society play a key role in the realization of life long learning. The improvement of social education facilities such as libraries and the learning opportunities are implemented by the local governments. Students today are exposed to loads of technology and information at everywhere.

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Avalanche buries 100 Pakistani troops in Kashmir

Avalanche buries 100 Pakistani troops in Kashmir

At least 100 Pakistani troops have been buried by an avalanche in the disputed Kashmir region, the army says.

Pakistan army spokesman Major General Athar Abbas said the avalanche had hit a military camp and a rescue operation was underway.

The incident happened near the Siachen glacier in the eastern Karakoram mountain range.

Thousands of troops are deployed in the remote area, which is claimed by both Pakistan and India.

Some reports suggest as many as 130 soldiers had been swept away by the avalanche.

Helicopters, sniffer dogs and troops have been sent to the area to help with the rescue, according to a military statement.

Kashmir has been partitioned between India and Pakistan since 1947.

Failure to agree on the status of the territory by diplomatic means has brought India and Pakistan to war on a number of occasions.

Friday 6 April 2012


Motivation - Regain Your Motivation

Do you feel your motivation has diminished recently? Or do you feel at the moment that it's gone completely? Do you wonder how you'll ever get it back?
It often happens that many people find their motivation decreasing or disappearing altogether. When this happens you tend to feel stuck and you're not really moving forward. You may feel frustrated because you're not making any progress. Seeing yourself making progress is one way to be motivated. But if that's not there, it becomes a vicious circle, because when you're not making progress, you don't feel motivated and vice versa.

When you want to increase your motivation, it's worth remembering that there's a difference between it and inspiration. Motivation is an external source which encourages you and gives you ideas. Inspiration comes from within and the encouragement and ideas are your own. When it comes from within, you own it and will feel inspired. When you feel inspired you'll take action and taking action is the key to achieving what you want, whether it's increasing your business, making changes in your life or progressing towards your dreams.

So, we're really looking to increase your inspiration here and not necessarily just to motivate you. I've found that people's inspiration drops when they've been doing the same thing over and over again for some time. You may feel you're stuck in a rut; it's become a bit of a drag. If you're feeling this way, it's no wonder your inspiration has decided to 'wander off'.

Sometimes you just need to take a break or have a rest from what you're doing and your inspiration may well come back. This break also allows you to re-assess what you've been doing and not doing. Perhaps then you'll see there are some changes you want to make, perhaps deciding to implement a different strategy or action plan.

Taking a break will mean different things to different people and you need to determine for yourself what this break will be. Perhaps, you'll decide take a day or a week off work, to play and have fun. Or you may decide to go for a brisk walk. I'm even inclined to suggest to you that, while taking this break, you tell yourself that you're not allowed to do or think about anything related to work or whatever it is that you're taking a break from. It's surprising how much most of us react to being told we can't do or have something. The rebellious part of us often surfaces and wants to fight it.

Taking a break from whatever it is you've been doing will probably make you feel apprehensive. All your fears about how much you have to get done, you're wasting time, what if I don't want to go back to doing this, are likely to surface. It's a natural reaction, but the fear is usually much worse than the reality. You need to trust yourself, face up to the fears and know that you can handle any situation.

After a break, you'll feel refreshed and when you feel refreshed, your enthusiasm and inspiration will return. Then, you'll be ready to start moving forward again.

What I want for you is to take a break and allow your inspiration and desire for life and business to return to you naturally.

Farmers Market Promotion Program Grants Available

Farmers Market Promotion Program Grants Available
Grants will help strengthen farmer to consumer marketing.
Compiled by staff
Published: Apr 6, 2012

Agriculture Deputy Secretary Kathleen Merrigan announced that USDA is seeking grant applicants for the 2012 Farmers Market Promotion Program.

Approximately $10 million is available for marketing operations such as farmers markets, community supported agriculture and road-side stands. The grants, which are administered by USDA's Agricultural Marketing Service, are available through a competitive application process on www.grants.gov. The grants aim to increase the availability of local agricultural products in communities throughout the county. They will also help strengthen farmer-to-consumer marketing efforts.

More than $10 million in grants are available.
"These grants will put resources into rural and urban economies, and help strengthen efforts to provide access to nutritious and affordable foods," said Agriculture Deputy Secretary Kathleen Merrigan. "This program not only supports the health and well-being of local communities but also the economic health of their farms and businesses."

Projects that expand healthy food choices in food deserts or low-income areas (where the percentage of the population living in poverty is 20 percent or above) will receive additional consideration. USDA, in coordination with the Departments of the Treasury and Health and Human Services, seeks to increase access to fresh, healthy and affordable food choices for all Americans, while expanding market opportunities for farmers and ranchers.

Information on applying for a Farmers Market Promotion Program grant will be published in the April 6, 2012, Federal Register and available online at www.ams.usda.gov/FMPP. Applications will only be accepted via grants.gov and must be received by May 21, 2012. Applications that are incomplete, hand-delivered, or sent via U.S. mail will not be considered. Applicants should start the grants.gov registration process as soon as possible to meet the deadline. Contact Carmen Humphrey, Program Manager, by phone: (202) 720-8317, or e-mail: usdafmppquestions@ams.usda.gov for more information.

Authorized by the Farmer-to-Consumer Direct Marketing Act of 1976 and amended by the Food, Conservation and Energy Act of 2008 (the Farm Bill), the Farmers Market Promotion Program is in the seventh year of funding direct markets that benefit local and regional economies.

The Farmers Market Promotion Program is part of USDA's commitment to support local and regional communities. These investments are highlighted in USDA's Know Your Farmer, Know Your Food Compass. KYF Compass is a digital guide to USDA resources related to local and regional food systems. The Compass consists of an interactive U.S. map showing local and regional food projects and an accompanying narrative documenting the results of this work through case studies, photos and video content.

A large selection of USDA-supported programs and projects is also visible on the KYF Map, which can be displayed by theme, program, or recipient type. Both the KYF Compass and map will be regularly refreshed with new data and case studies.

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