Tuesday 1 May 2012

Khewra Salt Mine, Pakistan

Khewra Salt Mine, Pakistan.

 Geologist believe that the rock salt in Khewra is from the Precambrian period i.e. around 600 million years old. These mines contain an estimated 220 million tonnes of salt. The area containing the salt is about 110 sq km.

 Since 1870, miners have created 19 floors with tunneling with the total length of the tunnels more than 40 kilometers.

 After the long walk or a ride by train, you would be delighted to see several natural and man-made marvels.

 - A mosque built from salt
 - Minar-e-Pakistan: Pakistan tower built from salt
 - Shish Mahal: Palace of Mirrors, in this case salt instead of mirrors
 - Assembly Hall
 - Brine Chambers
 - Salt ponds illuminated with fancy lights
 - A tree root that does not catch fire
 - Pul-Saraat: 25 feet bridge without pillars. Its is suspended on salt-water

- Pakistan Post Office, Khewra Salt Mine. Postal Code 48530, built from salt
 - Salt crystal formations
 - Old mining machinery
 and so much more ...

 Salt is transparent, white, pink, and reddish. The tourist resort displays clever use of salt and light to produce breathtaking scenery.

 You can buy refreshments, dine, and buy souvenirs inside and outside the mine. Tourist guides are also readily available.

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