Saturday 7 April 2012

Avalanche buries 100 Pakistani troops in Kashmir

Avalanche buries 100 Pakistani troops in Kashmir

At least 100 Pakistani troops have been buried by an avalanche in the disputed Kashmir region, the army says.

Pakistan army spokesman Major General Athar Abbas said the avalanche had hit a military camp and a rescue operation was underway.

The incident happened near the Siachen glacier in the eastern Karakoram mountain range.

Thousands of troops are deployed in the remote area, which is claimed by both Pakistan and India.

Some reports suggest as many as 130 soldiers had been swept away by the avalanche.

Helicopters, sniffer dogs and troops have been sent to the area to help with the rescue, according to a military statement.

Kashmir has been partitioned between India and Pakistan since 1947.

Failure to agree on the status of the territory by diplomatic means has brought India and Pakistan to war on a number of occasions.

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